• Latest UECP News

Spring Update

Dear UECP Member,

Thank goodness summer is almost here! 

We wanted to take an opportunity to share with you some of the work we have been doing to support our members and make positive changes within UECP to help ELEVATE your practice.

  1. We are updating the UECP portal to provide more information for you regarding our vendors and the savings that you can take advantage of as a member of UECP.  As a reminder, please logon to the portal to view additional information that is useful to you.  www.uecpportal.com  You will need your username and password that was reset last year prior to our Annual Fall UECP CE.

    You can change your password once you login (if you haven’t done so already).

  1. We hosted our first ever Spring CE/COPE/CPR on April 23!  We had a great turnout.  Pics of the event are on our portal.

  1. Visit our FB page (yes, we finally have one) and like us!!  We would greatly appreciate it.  https://www.facebook.com/UECPIL/  The pics are loaded on our FB page as well.  Please let me know if there is anything you would like to share on our page.

  1. New Referral program!  We are pleased to announce a New Member Referral Program.  If you refer a colleague and they join UECP and the doctor stays for 6 months, you will receive one month of dues for free (shareholder and panel members).  Please send the doctors information to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (dr name, practice name, address, cell phone, email address).

  2. Welcome to Dr. David Pesavento!  A renewed UECP member – he came back to us!!  What a great doctor, person and practice to add to our group again. 

  1. Save the date:  November 1, 2017 – UECP Annual Fall CE with Dr. Jerry Sherman.  You don’t want to miss this!

  1. Finally, and equally important, we are updating our database and are asking for your help!  Please complete and return the attached UECP member form. You can complete and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fax it to: 630-243-7123.  Whatever is easiest for you.  I can’t begin to tell you how important it is for us to maintain correct records and documents moving forward.  Upon return of the questionnaire, you will be entered into a drawing to win one of two $25 gift cards (how’s that for a bit of incentive). 

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you, for your engagement in UECP and all you do for Private Practice Optometry!!

Warmest regards,


Julie Cesarini

UECP, Director of Business Development
